"Once you enter the SHINee World,
there's no way to escape"
Hello there fellow Shawols!
Let's all include #7YearsWithSHINee okay? Don't forget!
SHINee World. I really love being in this fandom. Our ocean is so beautiful and everyone feels like a family. Whenever I hear the fanchants in every event, I really feel as if I am one of the crowd. I love how Shawols (like any other fangirls) notice even the tiniest details about our dear boys. But what I love most about this fandom is that we have TRUST ♥. Both the artists and the fans. We both know each other well, that we won't hurt each other.
For 7 amazing years SHINee has lifted our spirits with their great songs.

Wow... 7 years. What can I say... I just want to thank SHINee for being there (although they are not really, just in my imagination) with me whenever I am bored. Whenever I don't have anything to do, I just daydream being with you guys. Hahahaha. Thank you for being a great inspiration especially in my studies because whenever I do something, or sometimes when I am about to fail at something, I'll just think that I won't be able to see you if I

Shawol forevs~ ♥ ♥ ♥
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