Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Somewhat a Dream

As a requirement in my cmsc 2 laboratory exercise and we were instructed to write about our dreams and aspirations 5 to 10 years from now. Honestly, I still see my future as a blur. After ten years, I will be 28 by then. I guess in that age, I have already finished my master’s degree in Communication Arts or perhaps get a different degree and would be in a great job as a journalist, a writer, or an artist. Perhaps, I’d work in an office. I don’t really have a “dream job” but I want to explore more of the world, be able to socialize with people and be able to understand myself more. If I’m not busy at work, I would probably have more time to do more art. I see myself in years time, creating more art pieces about the me and the world. Then, I'd have a small gallery. I'd have my own house with my own library and a studio. There are so many things that can happen in a decade. On the top of those things, I just dream of a simple and happy life in that point of my life where I can say that I am already a strong independent woman.